Monday 15 May 2017

Outlandish Memories

July 2015
( Flight from Mumbai to Zurich, and further on to San Francisco) 

After my eventful entry into the flight (refer to previous post) , I managed to squeeze in some sleep through the night. A few hours in, I woke up to breakfast being served, as we flew over picturesque mountains. 

Whenever I fly, my gaze always remains outward. Therefore I end up choosing the window seat by default. I can gaze into the sky, and the clouds for hours together. I could watch the sun go down, moon come up, and watch every hue in the sky through this transition. 

That morning I watched in awe, an enchanting sight. The sun rose up into the sky, and was just above a series of hillocks. By the foothills, ran a river. The sun reflected itself on to the pristine waters, and shone through, waking the town that lay beside it. It was green. And I could see tiny houses by the waters. 
Oh, could I live there? 

(I'm quite patriotic, and wouldn't like to live anywhere apart from India. But for this view, I could key in a few changes!) 

We had a very long haul before flight to San Francisco. The worst thing on long flight overseas, is to not being able to web check in. All 14 of us got seats spread out all over the aircraft. What a bummer! I was seated in the middle aisle, middle seat. I had a couple on one side, and a guy on the other. To add to that, my entertainment unit wasn't working. Talk about luck!! Well, the Swiss Airlines weren't of much help either. So I was stuck there, on a 10 hour- turned - 12 hour long flight. 

You want to teach someone patience, put them on this flight. You want to teach someone how to socialise, put them on this flight. You want to teach someone how to practice meditation, put them on this flight. You want to teach someone to lose inhibitions and share arm rests, put them on this flight!

I am quite an introvert, most of the time. But I picked up a conversation with the couple on my right. They were surprised that I spoke good English, being from India. Well, they don't know that the British left quite a strong impression on us all. Our spoken English seems to be better than our regional languages, many times. (Unfortunately, I must add.)

The guy on my left was quite quiet, himself. So I don't remember how we started the conversation. But in a matter of minutes, we couldn't stop talking... Turns out, he was from the town at the foothills, by the river I had seen that morning in Zurich *gasps* Too much of a coincidence!

We spoke for hours, about India, Indian dance, music, art, culture. About Zurich, and the US. His father was American so he had spent time in both the continents, and didn't even need a visa as his passport was half and half (uber cool!) 
He even shared his bar of Lindt dark chocolate with me (far too kind. I'd never share my chocolate!) 
At that time (read, before yoga), my usual reaction to change in climate or the slightest change in temperature, used to be sneezes, and a cold. So inevitably in the flight, I started sneezing, following up with "excuse me". He asked me, 
"is it rude to sneeze in India?" 
Hahahha!! Hmmm could put some thought into that.....  

Very soon (maybe not that soon), It was​ time for us to land. I really regretted not getting a window seat at this time. The runway in San Francisco runs into the sea. Oh how I wish I could have watched this spectacle. 

A very fidgety vibe in the flight, each of us were tired of the unending wait. We soon got off, and reunited with our family and friends. 

The one thing I realised then, was that I didn't even know his name. I didn't know any personal details. It's unlike me to ask, and we never got to discussing anything personal. Well, it's one of those dreamy stories then. That are just going to be memories, fond memories. He was my saviour on a long flight, where I had nothing to rely on. And it will stay so. 

I'm just very grateful for such lovely experiences, and beautiful people that I meet. This instance is one of many such, that I have had. I intend to pen them all down here on my blog. I want to share with you, the joy of travel. Knowing that there are magical stories waiting for you, just around the corner. Go out, and get them.


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